Doctoring Websites for Doctors

Thought I'd be a Doctor When I was young, I thought I'd grow up to be a doctor. But by my third year of college, it was clear I'd better stick with languages (English, Spanish, French). A course in Human Physiology erased all doubt. It was fascinating material, but my...

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Peeling Back the Dull

As a web designer and photographer, my main job is to present ideas and images in the best light possible. It is not to MAKE them beautiful or appealing. Rather, when my client has done all he or she can to create something for the audience or customers, my job is to...

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What’s Wrong with Social Sharing?

This is the second in a series of posts that I'm writing about supporting a brand with social media. In the first post, I suggested that website owners should feed their own websites first, and then share from their websites to social media. Now, let's step back and...

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Let’s Make Your Website More Sociable

Here's something I have noticed in my years of working with website clients: they sometimes pay far more attention to social media (Facebook, Twitter, others) than to their own websites. So What?! I care about this because I want my clients' websites to do as much as...

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New JBH Communications Website

The Cobbler's Children Now Have Shoes! I recently began building a new website for a Dallas fine artist. At our first meeting, I was too embarrassed to give her one of my old business cards. For several months I had been stretching my creativity...

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