Rates for JBH Communications Website Services
(see also: Website Planning | Payment Methods | Setting Up Email)
2024 marks my 29th year of building, hosting, and maintaining websites. When I look back at some of my first attempts at website design, and remember the thrill of the process back then, I’m glad to say that the thrill is still there! I still love learning new techniques, and producing websites that help my clients achieve their goals.
Your Webmaster for the Long Haul
When I build or edit a website for a new client, my expectation is that I will enjoy a long relationship with that client. I take a very personal interest in my clients’ success and anything I produce for them. Some agencies build sites and then leave their clients to fend for themselves. Many of my clients have turned to me after being frustrated and disappointed by that business model. They recognize that they need a “webmaster for the long haul.”

One of the first websites built by JBH Communications for a client (ca 1998)
Overview of Services and Billing
Here’s a summary of my hourly and quarterly billing:
- I send out quarterly invoices to all clients.
- Payment may be made by Mailed Check, Credit Card, or Bank Transfer
- The rate for hosting websites is $160/year (= $40/QTR).
- I charge for hosting additional websites at a reduced rate (each additional site = $12/QTR).
- I add a charge for mandatory “Infrastructure Maintenance” on all WordPress websites that I host.
This is a tremendous step up from the service many firms provide. It benefits you by ensuring that your site always has the latest security updates and remains stable as new WordPress releases and plugin updates are rolled out. - My hourly rate for all design, consulting, and “Content Maintenance” is $120/hr. This is for tasks such as initial design, adding pages, optimizing images, editing text, and doing emergency site recovery.
- I charge $30 per year for each domain name that I purchase or renew in behalf of the client. This includes an administrative fee on top of the purchase/renewal cost.
Table of Fees
(On small devices, you can swipe the table to scroll horizontally)
First Site | Each Additional Site | First Hosted Site | Each Additional Hosted Site | Hosted Elsewhere | |||
For-Profit | $40/QTR | $12/QTR | $60/QTR | $24/QTR | $72/QTR | $120/HR | $30/DOMAIN |
Non-Profit | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable | $30/DOMAIN |
Questions and Answers
How does this apply to my organization or business?
If the overview and table above don’t clarify this sufficiently, please feel free to Contact Brad for an individualized answer.
How do I qualify for the “Additional Site” discount?
I want to encourage my clients to do more business with me. So, I apply this discount to additional sites that I host for any given individual, business, or even a client’s immediate family member.
One of my sites is in WordPress and the other is not. Which of the sites will be considered the “additional site”?
If you have more than one kind of site, I will need to treat the WordPress site as your primary site, and other types of sites as “additional.”
Why would I use WordPress when some non-WordPress sites cost less to maintain?
WordPress has enormous benefits for you. Click here for an excellent summary of the advantages WordPress brings.
Why do you charge less to maintain sites that you are hosting?
Maintaining sites in an environment that I control and am more familiar with is most efficient; I pass the savings along to you.
How will you charge for sites that I want to keep but am not currently using?
Contact Brad about “placeholder hosting” (I also refer to this as “on-hold hosting”).
If my domain registration is for multiple years, will I get charged $30 for each of the years?
The full $30 will only be for the first year of multi-year registrations and renewals; additional years will be at cost. I highly recommend using my registrar as they include private registration at no extra charge.
Which clients are considered non-profits?
This would be churches, missions organizations, and any other organizations that have tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status.